viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Training With... Maria Segura 6

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. One more time, Maria Segura will show to us another great routine in which legs and glutes are the starring of this new audiovisual work. Everytime the intensity must be adecuated with your desires of overcoming the past achievements and Maria knows how to do it in her impressive and sensational Steel Power that she uses to beat each obstacle in the life.

If you wanted to train legs and glutes with more intensity, this is the perfect video for you, with all the Steel Power that only Maria can show to all admirers of the Warrior Goddesses.

As you know, Maria Segura is always a dedicated athlete, and her videos are the most clear proof of it, and thanks again for her because she has has the will to show through our site all her preparation process with workout sessions for all people with Steel Power. That's all for this article and remember that Female Muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

Training With... Maria Segura 5

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. Maria Segura has another training routine she wants to share with all Steel Goddesses Admirers, and as always, she has the best attitude everytime she enters to the gym and making her most powerful endurance in order to achieve her best physique form for all tournaments in which she are taking part as the true champion she is.

If you wanted to watch more leg workout, this is the indicated video because there are more leg session for all Iron Warriors that like to strenght one of the most appreciated bodyparts in all aspects.

More Steel Sessions will be appearing on the road, and we want to thank again to Maria Segura for sharing one more time her videos in which her dedication and effort are shown with a lot of passion and overcoming desires. That's all for this article and remember that Female Muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

Training With... Laura Carrara 1

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. Welcome again to this section in which our Steel Goddesses will share with you some of their training routines in which you can apply inside of the gym or in open spaces. All of this is with the objective of spreading the fitness lifestyle and the positive message around of wellbeing in ourselves. So let's begin with this new article.

In this time we have the presence of a great competitor, she is from Uruguay and you know her because we have an interview with this powerful Muscular Valquirie, she is Laura Carrara, and now is her turn to share with all of you one of the training routines she has in order to conquer the daily challenges of the day. Here's the link for the video.

Note: The video is in Spanish language, so if you don't have a good understanding level, you would be in trouble. 

From Uruguay for all the planet, Laura Carrara has done a great workout routine with all her Steel Power, and we want to thank her for sharing this video with all of you. That's all for this article and remember that Female Muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close. See you next time Female Muscle Fans. 

viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Training With... Maria Segura 4

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. Continuing with the training videos, Mexican Bodybuilding Champion Maria Segura has another material to share with us her secrets to make a great workout sesion. In this time, the low back is the next bodypart to train with a lot of care, dedication and effort. Now is the moment to watch the video for future Steel Champions and for people who want to be in a great physique form.

With a lot of training and perseverance, you can make many things that bring to you the long run benefits in your health. That's all for this article and remember that Female Muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close. And thank you very much to Maria Segura for giving to us the chance to share with all of you this new video.


viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

Training With... Maria Segura 3

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. We hope you have enjoyed the leg and glutes training routines presented by Maria Segura in the 2 previous articles, because in this time, she will be sharing with all of you a new video in which a new workout will appear for every bodypart we want to strenght. Now this is the turn to train biceps, so let's watch it with this link.

As you can see, Maria Segura has many tricks under her sleeve and she is revealing little by little her preparation for all her next competitions. One more time, we want to thank her for the confidence vote in sharing her videos in this site, we hope you can enjoy it as the others, and remember that Female Muscle is a great passion that deserve to be followed so close. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.

viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

Training With... Maria Segura 2

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. We hope you have enjoyed the premier of this section with a Pro Bodybuilder Champion as Maria Segura from Mexico. Every week (when there are available videos of course), you can watch many routine training of our loved Steel Goddesses that you can apply if you are on gyms or outside spaces. Now let's begin with the next sesion.

At the previous article, we shown the leg routine training with Maria Segura from Mexico, and now she is teaching how to work with glutes. Coming up next, you will watch this video through this link.

We hope you have enjoyed of this new workout routine for true champions because these exercise programs will make difference if you are dedicated with your physical form and your nutrition recommended for doctors. And remember that Female Muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close. See you next time Female Muscle Fans and thank you again to Maria Segura for giving to us her confidence vote.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Training With... Maria Segura 1

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. Welcome to this new section in which all admirers will can to be closer of their favorite FBB athletes because they will share some of the exercise routines that you can apply in order to be in great fit. We hope you can enjoy this new proposal in order to bring the physical wellbeing message to all the people who want to do a change that will lead them to a great satisfaction in life.

In this time we have a great competitor in Bodybuilding. She is a great champion in Mexico and she has done a good participation at international championships with a big preparation in which her determination and dedication took her to big heights in this sport. We are talking about Maria Segura, she is starting this new section with one of her training routines for all fans.

Here's the link of the first video in which Maria is making a leg routine training for all of you.

Note: The video is in Spanish language, so if you don't have a good understanding level, you would be in trouble.

We hope you can enjoy and apply this first training routine with a powerful Mexican champion as Maria Segura, and thank you to Maria for giving to us a confidence vote in the premier of this section. One more time, we hope you can enjoy this new section and remember that Female Muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.