Hi again Female Muscle Fans. In this time we gonna talk about the other side of the coin: the Natural Fitness Movement (or No Drugs in another words). Due to the critical constants that has received the bodybuilding, fitness and figure sport with respect to the illegal use of steroids on the competitions, an organization arises to promote the sport totally free of the use of substances that improve the physical yield and is only the natural physical power. The name is FAME and take part of the World Natural Sports Organization (WNSO). Their mission is promote the Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure in the natural state without the steroids use.
FAME Story
FAME was founded by Jeffrey Kippel and Mindy Blackstien in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Both was studying in the same college in California, USA and in one time, Jeffrey and Mindy talked about the judging at physique competitions, and their ideas soon begun to merge in a common goal. Jeff had detected a void inside the fitness industry, the key point was to give a space to all the competitors that were free of drugs, and he learned all that he could to find the advantage points to create a new form to see the fitness sport. At the same time, Mindy watched in their last university year an aerobic type stage competition and she was fell in love with the fitness industry. Mindy wanted to be involved in the fitness competitions as an administrator and e-mailed to an organization for learn about the methods for create the contests, but the answer never came out. 2 weeks later, Jeffrey and Mindy cross their paths when the first Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness competition organized was on the road. Mindy and Jeffrey could unite their abilities to create a new concept that would change the established schemes inside the sports industry with a movement called Natural Fitness.
In the present time, FAME could overcome the local shows in Ontario, Canada to become in a worldwide tour company. At the start, the categories were Natural Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure and Fitness Model Search; but the success generated an expansion that created new classes like Muscle Model Search, Bikini Model Search, Glamour-Fashion Model Search and Figure Model Search. Aside competitions, FAME got many monthly events and workshops and got an worldwide live web broadcast that allows to see the competitions in which the natural athletes is taking part of a new movement for the health well being and inspire to another people to be Body Proud.
The FAME Vision is to create a collective impact in the society and help more people to enjoy their body, become in a Body Proud, change the lifestyle in a deep way and improve ultimately their thoughts, physique, energy and overall health.

This is the FAME Body Proud banner with Kim Landry-Ayres, one of the most powerful athletes with many natural muscles in 100%. If you want to know about her and another athletes, you can visit the next address: www.bodyproud.org/.
In Body Proud, you can join free and create your own profile in which you can participate in discussion forums, write your own blogs, upload photos and videos, even you can add the FAME athletes in your friends list, as well as the other fans of the Natural Fitness Movement and chat with all of them in the room, and other things to do in the site. If you want to experience the FAME movement, just follow the next slogan: Your body is the ultimate machine. Cherish & nourish your home, strengthen your muscles & focus your mind. Choose to say "I AM BODY PROUD!"
That's all for now in this post. Remeber that the female muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close, even you can receive many nice surprises and change your opinion with respect to the Fitness Industry, because not all the organizations use the steroids to improve the physical yield. Any comments and suggestions, you can write to the next address: femalemusclefanforever@gmail.com. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.
That's all for now in this post. Remeber that the female muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close, even you can receive many nice surprises and change your opinion with respect to the Fitness Industry, because not all the organizations use the steroids to improve the physical yield. Any comments and suggestions, you can write to the next address: femalemusclefanforever@gmail.com. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.