miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Net Neutrality 28

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. The fight for defending the Internet as we know it has taken a drastic spin in which there is a difference in which we can take advantage and therefore, we can assert our voice in this subject. With no delay, let’s begin.

Recently, the New York Times newspaper has gained new information about this case. They have won a legal lawsuit in which Ajit “Fagot” Pai will be forced to hand over crucial data to conduct an investigation with respect to shady AstroTurf groups with links to telecom
Industry, they had flood the FCC comment period with fraudulent information about Net Neutrality. Pai refused to give a following to this fact in order to cover this scoundrel and keeping the agenda in movement. But this victory would be surpassed with time and effort.

The federal court has determined the opening to a new comment period to gather more information about this subject. This is a big and strong attack against Pai because the new data have revealed a secret in voices and now with this pandemic, people needs Internet more than never in order to fulfill the stay home order.

The firefighters have keep struggling to demonstrate that Pai has committed an act of negligence because he denied to them the access to submit their public comments about how repealing Net Neutrality put public safety in danger. In addition, this group has reported the Internet connection was throttled by Verizon while they were battle against wildfires and they know firsthand that Net Neutrality is a critical piece of ensuring public safety.

Is clear that Pai is a greed guy and he doesn’t care if emergency workers are in trouble and either he watches if there are people who don’t have an affordable access to Internet. But is time to show him that he is in the wrong side of history, and FCC must listen our voices.

But now we have a new chance of keep fighting and this is the moment in which team cable must be defeated in order to gain a common wellbeing in times of crisis like this. Fight For The Future has fought because they have the support of people like us who want to stay with Internet as we know it, and be sure of one thing: this fight only will end with our victory, and nothing else.

If one thing is clear is that pandemic has surpassed any kind of limits, and FCC can’t do anything to sure everyone can stay connected. Aside of pandemic, the wildfires were another clear proof about Net Neutrality is essential to protect people’s lives, so there is no corporate money that is worth when public security and common wellbeing are in stake.

This is the link to keep supporting to Fight For The Future in this oddisey to protect our Internet we love: