martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

Net Neutrality

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. In this time we are not going to talk about our favorite subject, because in Thursday 14th, in the United States the Congress will be voting about Net Neutrality. Now is time to explain it.

Net neutrality

This is the principle in which all sites can be watched for everyone, no matter if you have a slow lane connection, or a fast lane connection. In this concept, all Internet providers can't censor no content, and they can't be watching you as a spy, with all times in which you are connecting to the web. If Net neutrality is broken, prepare for face the censorship in a high level or say goodbye to you best sites.

How to combat censorship?

Who wants the censorship?

Ajit Pai, he is the FCC from the United States, and he used to be a corporative lawyer from Verizon, a company that provides an awful Internet service. They, along with Donald "Big Bully" Trump want to control the content on web, and they want to start a witch hunt against civil associations that are fighting to destroy their dark agenda.

For all of our Female Muscle Fans from the United States, we want to say we are against censorship and power abuse. Let's fight against Big Bully Trump and their cronies for they leave alone our Internet we love, and our passion for Female Muscle won't be silenced.