martes, 26 de junio de 2018

Net Neutrality 9

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. Today is a key day because fight for Net Neutrality has not over yet. There are many protests of many organizations that you have known which are and is important to keep our resistance more than never.

Daily Kos, Demanding Progress, Fight For The Future and other organizations are making giant efforts in order to destroy this abomination of evil oligarchs and now is vital to keep this movement with your participations in this wave of protests around the country, and don’t forget to visit the pages in which you can find through previous articles.

Here are the pages if you need to remind them.

Open Media:

Don’t Tread On The Net:

Demand Progress:

Businesses for Net Neutrality (if you have your own business, this is the site for you):

Battle For The Net:

Now is time to protect our Internet we love and they will know we are ready to destroy evil oligarchs. Keep the faith because in the end we will have the success.

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

Net Neutrality 8

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. As you will remember, the last month was crucial because the US Senate did an odyssey when the votes to protect Net Neutrality were 52-47. And our pressure as users and consumers was key too because our voice was listened. But now we know the war has not over, because the fight has a new scenario: House of Representatives.

The latest info we have is that Net Neutrality needs 218 votes in order to be protected, and 178 votes have been secured to our favor, so now is important to keep our pressure. And remember that many representatives are looking for re-election, so we can pressure them in this part and our voice will be clear and loud: if you want to be re-elected, you must work for people, not for lobbies. Now you must keep doing the most recent maneuvers in which sites like Demanding Progress, Daily Kos, Open Media and Battleforthenet were published, and if you have your own business, please join to the fight for our cyber rights.

Coming up next, we will put the sites again in order to add your signatures and for strategic marchs in your local area. And don’t forget to to make boycott against Comcast, AT&T, Verizon and Spectrum.

Open Media:

Don’t Tread On The Net:

Demand Progress:

Businesses for Net Neutrality (if you have your own business, this is the site for you):

Battle For The Net:

This week will be key because we need to build our counterattack, due to next week, at Monday in June 11th would be a disastrous day for Internet as we know it if we don’t show our offensive position. Now or never is the slogan for Internet defense and is important to keep pressuring representatives in the same way as senators in its moment. And we are ready for the fight of the century because we won’t die without a good fight for protecting the web we love.

That’s all for this article and remember to keep fighting because our Internet won’t be alone, and we will fight for defeating evil oligarchs once and for all. We are ready to fight and victory will be possible if all of us are making strenght with union. Let’s protect our Internet and we keep this place as a great space for innovation and social activism for destroying injustice acts.