lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Net Neutrality 12

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. This post is dedicated to United States users. Today is important this article because Midterm Elections in November 6th are the decisive factor of many subjects for us like Net Neutrality, Healthcare, Education, Climate Change, Sexual Predators and other things. Now these are the latest facts around it.

With Brett “Predator” Kavanaugh as member of the Supreme Court Of Justice, many of our rights are in a biggest danger because Kavanaugh is at the service of many oligarchs who want to impose their dark laws at any cost. In Net Neutrality, California state has signed a big proposal in which all of our rights as Internet consumers are protected with strong laws with common sense and responsibility, and oligarchs like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon are terrified because their toxic businesses will be destroyed, and they will launch their dirtiest tricks in order to eliminate this important step to guarantee the Internet as we know it. Now is time to counterattack in ballots for expressing our dissatisfaction.

In healthcare, all of our main provisions are under menace because they want to favor Big Pharmaceuticals mafia and we are not going to resist this dark medicine. In environmental subjects, National Parks are in real danger because of Big Oil Lobbies, and clean energy sources are banned in this toxic agenda, the NRA wants to destroy strong laws to regulate the massive weapon sale and keep letting bullet showers as “normal facts” whereas many people are dying in public sites.

The education is fighting to destroy the cuts for arts workshops, libraries, technical careers and sports, and scholarships are in the aim of disappear for many dark donors, the #MeeToo movement has a big enemy with Brett Kavanaugh inside SCOTUS in which they want to preserve sexual harassment as “normal facts”. These are the war fronts in politics, in which dictatorship behaviors are more evident everytime. In a short tale, the importance of going out to vote is the difference between losing our rights and defeating oligarchs to show our strenght as informed people.

Please remember these names because all of them in its majority from Republican Party are at the service of oligarchs who want to destroy all of our rights, and many of them want to be reelected in this period of political changes. Please vote with all your conviction,

Now you have a complete panorama of the political scene in United States and November 6th is key for building a new scheme of many of our rights like healthcare, net neutrality, climate change, education and other subjects. If you want to write a new route in this politic map, please go out to vote and defend our rights. As Bob Marley says: Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up For Our Rights!

That's all for this article and remember, citizens make  for the country a reflect of we want as a nation and is time to show our power against injustice acts. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.

jueves, 19 de julio de 2018

Net Neutrality 11

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. The fight for Net Neutrality has not over yet, and today there is many protests around USA. Now is time to fight for protecting our Internet we love.

In the latest news, the first Republican representative has signed his support for Net Neutrality, his name is Mike Coffman, from Colorado, and this is a great news. But there is a long battle to fight, and is time of keep making a lot of pressure. Today will be many protests and if you want to be present, you must visit to locate your places for movement.

So you now you know how to fight with evil oligarchs who want to destroy our rights, and is important to be prepared and ready to counterattack their evil plans. We keep informing you about it.

jueves, 12 de julio de 2018

Net Neutrality 10

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. The fight for saving the Internet as we know it is far away of finishing because a new and unexpected turn of events is happening in front of our eyes. Coming up next we will explain everything.

The fight for our Internet has been happening in a normal way, but a new turn of events has occurred in this week. In the Supreme Court of the United States, the Judge Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement and the oligarchs headed by the nasty president Donald “Shithole” Trump have found the perfect chance for creating a harder and more conservative court for their dark interests. That means the rights like healthcare, public libraries, the Roe V Wade act and more things are in risk more than never. And disgracefully, Net Neutrality is not the exception to these troubles. The name of this new evil guy is Brett Kavanough, and this man wants to destroy everything in favor of oligarchs inside of circles of businesses and political spheres. Now the stage is more difficult than never and is important to know this information in order to prepare the next offensive step.

At the same time, Europe is making their own fight for protecting the Internet because for copyright reasons, the European Union parliament has just dismissed a law initiative in which contemplates a link tax in which all users had to pay a killer tax to content creators to access to knowledge, and European users took the fight in their hands and with their pressure they push back this horrible proposal that harms our Internet with global consequences in the same way as Net Neutrality is doing it.

In Open Media page you will have the information of European fight for saving our Internet as we know it.

For our European audience, fight for our Internet will have another round in September month, because the Link tax law will be discussed in this 30 days period. Now more than never, is important to attack the European representatives with more tweets and protests in their offices in key dates.

Back with our public in USA, is important to keep the pressure because Mitch McConnell wants to approve the designation of Brett Kavanaugh as soon as possible, and he knows that they must do it before the representatives election in November, so now than never we must keep pressuring all the congress to thwart the oligarchs’ laws.

With this new panorama, users must be in alert because our rights are in a lethal danger as never before, and now our voice must be loud and clear against dark interests. When we have more information about this subject, you will know in our space dedicated to Female Muscle.

With this in mind, just stay alert with everything around. Our Internet will be protected at any cost and we will take care of put it in clear voice.

martes, 26 de junio de 2018

Net Neutrality 9

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. Today is a key day because fight for Net Neutrality has not over yet. There are many protests of many organizations that you have known which are and is important to keep our resistance more than never.

Daily Kos, Demanding Progress, Fight For The Future and other organizations are making giant efforts in order to destroy this abomination of evil oligarchs and now is vital to keep this movement with your participations in this wave of protests around the country, and don’t forget to visit the pages in which you can find through previous articles.

Here are the pages if you need to remind them.

Open Media:

Don’t Tread On The Net:

Demand Progress:

Businesses for Net Neutrality (if you have your own business, this is the site for you):

Battle For The Net:

Now is time to protect our Internet we love and they will know we are ready to destroy evil oligarchs. Keep the faith because in the end we will have the success.

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

Net Neutrality 8

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. As you will remember, the last month was crucial because the US Senate did an odyssey when the votes to protect Net Neutrality were 52-47. And our pressure as users and consumers was key too because our voice was listened. But now we know the war has not over, because the fight has a new scenario: House of Representatives.

The latest info we have is that Net Neutrality needs 218 votes in order to be protected, and 178 votes have been secured to our favor, so now is important to keep our pressure. And remember that many representatives are looking for re-election, so we can pressure them in this part and our voice will be clear and loud: if you want to be re-elected, you must work for people, not for lobbies. Now you must keep doing the most recent maneuvers in which sites like Demanding Progress, Daily Kos, Open Media and Battleforthenet were published, and if you have your own business, please join to the fight for our cyber rights.

Coming up next, we will put the sites again in order to add your signatures and for strategic marchs in your local area. And don’t forget to to make boycott against Comcast, AT&T, Verizon and Spectrum.

Open Media:

Don’t Tread On The Net:

Demand Progress:

Businesses for Net Neutrality (if you have your own business, this is the site for you):

Battle For The Net:

This week will be key because we need to build our counterattack, due to next week, at Monday in June 11th would be a disastrous day for Internet as we know it if we don’t show our offensive position. Now or never is the slogan for Internet defense and is important to keep pressuring representatives in the same way as senators in its moment. And we are ready for the fight of the century because we won’t die without a good fight for protecting the web we love.

That’s all for this article and remember to keep fighting because our Internet won’t be alone, and we will fight for defeating evil oligarchs once and for all. We are ready to fight and victory will be possible if all of us are making strenght with union. Let’s protect our Internet and we keep this place as a great space for innovation and social activism for destroying injustice acts.

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

Net Neutrality 7

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. This article is written with the most recent information about defense for Internet as we know it and now we have more details to respect.

After the last two movements like Businesses for Net Neutrality and Red Alert for Internet (last Monday it was a protest in all City Halls around the USA), the progressive senators with a Democrat majority applied a political maneuver called Discharge Petition, with it the political defense of Internet achieved the reunion for Senate in Wednesday for discussing the subject, all that with the support of all NGO (No Goverment Organizations) and consumers like us for taking back the grim decision of destroying Net Neutrality. The architect of this nasty plan was Ajit “Faggot” Pai, the former corporative Verizon lawyer, who thought that with his plot his former company would be benefited with a brutal censorship in which Verizon, AT&T, Spectrum and Comcast would control all we watch and visit online, but progressive associations and consumers like us we said no so fast, because we won’t die before fighting for our right to a valious Media like Internet.

From December of 2017 the team Internet prepared a counterattack in which the Senate vote would be determinant, in this part appears the One More Vote movement, this plan could obtain the necessary votes from Democrat party that supported Net Neutrality from the start and their votes were 48, later the independent Senator Angus King from Maine gave his vote and 49 votes were possible, now the fight would be try to find in Republican Senators’ party more allies for this cause. Republican Party in its majority supported to evil oligarchs with this ugly measure, but Susan Collins from Maine thought Internet is a Media in which the democracy has reached a new level of making contact with people and its needs, so she gave her vote and the number grew to 50.

50 votes were assured but it was necessary to achieve another Congress member with the last vote, 51 to be exact. The fight was not so easy, and from February to April, it was a time lapse of 2 months for obtaining the last vote from another Republican Senator.

The progressive pages like Daily Kos, Open Media, Demanding Progress and the union of small businesses owners and consumers like us organized protest marchs and boycotts against the greedy companies Verizon, Spectrum, Comcast and AT&T. Such movements worked very well and it were the proof that organized citizens can make a bigger difference. They fought with drawn sword and they knew every movement was the difference between victory and defeat.

Back to political sight, 6 Republican Senators were undecided with this subject, and the best way to pressure them was with phone calls, leaving messages in their Facebook and Twitter profiles and visiting their City Hall office. The undecided Senators were Lisa Murkowski, John Kennedy, Orrin Hatch, Rob Portman, Cory Gardner and John McCain. From all of them, Kennedy from Louisiana was the best man for Vote 51, but immediately the lobbies of Team Cable began to pursue him to corrupt his vote. The remaining Senate members were the last hope for this fight in order to defend Net Neutrality.

After the last strategies like Businesses for Net Neutrality and Red Alert, some relevant facts gave a powerful turn of events. Ajit Pai was being investigated for some monopoly practices in order to approve the Sinclair Broadcasting group merger with Time Warner as well as the discovery of bots and fake users that tried to misinform through social networks about this subject. AT&T was discovered in some mysterious reunions with Michael Cohen, one of lawyers at service of the biggest bully on Earth, Donald “Shithole” Trump. Cohen received a payment of $600,000 dollars for being a key ally to influence in several decisions like Net Neutrality. Later, John McCain was unable to vote due to his health troubles, so the fight was being inclined to Team Internet.

The D Day arrived, Wednesday 16th was crucial because the discharge petition did the job to force the vote for Net Neutrality, and the tide turned into Team Internet favor because 2 more votes from Republican Senators appeared at the most critical moment. The Senators were Lisa Murkowski and John Kennedy, who gave the fatal blow to FCC anti Internet measure, such nasty plan would take effect in June 11th, but with Senate Vote in favor to Net Neutrality the evil plot fell defeated and buried. Yes it is, the victory is ours at last, after hard months of fights and negotiations.

Today, we are pleased to communicate that Net Neutrality has been saved and with this result, democracy has reached one more victory against oligarchs who want to impose their dark laws above people’s will.

Now the Senate has restored Net Neutrality, the fight will be more intense because the next stage will be the House of Representatives, and this is the moment of keep maintaining the guard in up. Most of Representatives are seeking the re-election inside this administration and this is the perfect chance to leave them a clear and powerful message: if you want our votes, please work for us, no for oligarch donors and lobbies army. As a British song says: they don’t speak for us.

Today we can celebrate this triumph, but we need to stay alert in order to destroy the next dirty plays of evil oligarchs who are very upset and furious, but now they know we are ready to fight with all our strenght to end with injustice and corruption acts.

That’s all for this article and we want to thank to all Team Internet members that are progressive senators, representatives, ngos and citizens like us for defend one of the most influential communication media as Internet is. And of course the union makes the strenght. Female Muscle Universe supported the defense of open Internet since the beginning and now is time to keep our alert on fire, whereas we are celebrating this important victory for Internet. See you next time with our favorite subject: Female Athletes.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018

Net Neutrality 6

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. Thanks again for attending to our protest in defense of Internet as we know it. Thanks to your pressure, the fight will be going to a new date, May 14th. In this time lapse, our efforts must be always with guard up to attack and defend at the same time. Now these are the new details.

Thanks to the union of many sites like Demand Progress, Open Media, Daily Kos and other pages, and of course thanks to your activism, the Net Neutrality has been defended with drawn sword. Now this is the most critical phase, because is time to keep our pressure against greedy companies like Verizon, Spectrum, Comcast and AT&T throughout a boycott to their products and making marchs to their stores for make them feel the well informed consumer power. And at the same time, is time to fight against evil lawmakers because there are still 5 undecided senators that can be the difference for One More Vote. The senators are Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), John McCain (Arizona), Rob Portman (Ohio), Cory Gardner (Colorado) and Orrin Hatch (Utah).

Now is time to show the pages in which you can join to support the cause through donations and other actions.

Open Media:

Don’t Tread On The Net:

Demand Progress:

Businesses for Net Neutrality (if you have your own business, this is the site for you):

Battle For The Net:

And prepare for going to event marchs near of your homes because in May 14th the war for an open Internet will enter to the most dangerous phase because the Congress will vote with respect to this subject.

Don´t forget to share these sites in your social networks for informing to your family, friends and neighborgs for Net Neutrality defense. And that´s all for this article, but you must be aware that Internet opened a world of possibilities for us and is up to us mantain this fundamental right. We in FMU believe that an open Internet is a true media democracy and is our deed to fight along withother pages to save Net Neutrality and defeat once for all to evil oligarchs who want to destroy the one weapon we have to combat them. Good luck for all of you and let's fight for right cause and the right side of the story.