jueves, 3 de marzo de 2022

Net Neutrality 32

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. The fight for protecting our Internet as we know it is far from over. The movement is keep advancing with new information that we will bring to you in order to know about this subject.

In the last time, the section 230 was under attack in Trump administration times, but now things have changed after the electoral process in 2020. Now Biden administration is interested in restoring the law in which Net Neutrality can be granted. Joe Biden signed an executive order in economic subject in which Net Neutrality can be strengthened. This executive order will restore the set rules in Obama administration and they would bring other new chapters for a better regulatory system, according with the Verge site. In 2017, the FCC approved a set of measures that eliminated the provisions created during the Barack Obama administration and allowed Internet Access Providers (MYP) to violate the principle that all data should be treated in the same way. The main hole of the regulation proposed by Pai was that it only required the MYPs to commit themselves not to block or discriminate on the Internet, but it did not prohibit them to degrade, block or prioritize services, pages and applications in exchange for payment.

The disappearance of the Open Internet Order caused a strong reaction by users, organizations defending human rights in the digital environment, including technology companies.

“The Order of 2015 created a clear line, protections applicable to network neutrality that guarantee consumers access to a complete Internet and preservation of online competition. This proposal (Pai) fails to achieve any of these goals. Consumers have few choices with their ISP and providers should not be able to use their position as cadens at the start of the connection to discriminate sites and apps,” the Internet Association said to The Business Insider.

In addition to restoring Title II, the Executive Order sets out measures for major telecommunications companies, such as prohibiting “unfair or unreasonable surcharges” for early cancellation of communications contracts; creating labelling for consumers of broadband services and forcing MPs to report prices and subscription rates to the FCC, among others. Recently, the Biden government named Tim Wu, who coined the term “network neutrality”, as a member of the Economic Advisory Council, and therefore expected actions to restore network neutrality and end Trump’s policy during his government.

That's all the information we have so far. Any new data we have, we will let you know about it with all the profesionalism and seriousness required. We hope you have analyzed all the importance of this subject as Internet users we are. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2022

Fiona Branker

In American continent there are two islands that form a nation, its name is Trinidad and Tobago. This country is located at Caribbean Sea, exactly at extreme south side of Antilles. It has neighborhood with Caribbean Sea and Grenada at West and North, Venezuela at South and West side, and Atlantic Ocean at East. The story of both islands are come from 7000 years ago, and with it many cultures have appeared like Orthoid, Saladoid, Barrancoid, Arawaks (they were divided in subtribes like nepoya, suppoyo and yao) and Caribs, the first three tribes dissapeared many years ago, and the last two tribes were exterminated when English people arrived, and now, both islands have descendants from African and East Indian slaves, mainly, whereas white people has a minority population in both islands. Trinidad and Tobago has an important mix of cultures that made it a very diverse country in ethnics and customs. Trinidad and Tobago are the home of Soca (Soul Calypso), that is the most known musical genre worldwide. In sports subject, Trinidad and Tobago has many athletes that have been successful in many disciplines, beings Football (soccer) and cricket the most practiced sports in teams, and athletics in track & field events in solo and teams, among others. In Bodybuilding, this discipline has been winning more competitors over the years and it's obtaining many representatives in all its areas. This country has one of their most competitive athletes that has been born in its soil. Her name is Fiona Branker, and you will know thorougly to this powerful muscle warrior.

Musculator Girl Profile

Name: Fiona Branker


Date of birth: May 15th


Birthplace (City, State and Country): Port Of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago


Present Hometown (City, State and Country): Port Of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago.


Age: Confidential Information.


Profession: Personal trainer, spin instructor.


Years of training: 20.


Please give us a little introduction of yourself: I am a professional bodybuilder, women's fitness specialist & spin instructor. My passion in life, apart from fitness, is to encourage women to express their awesome. I want women to strive for greatness while finding balance, peace, happiness and financial stability.


Story: I've always been fascinated with bodybuilding, my mom had a lot of bodybuilding magazines around. I've always been quite strong as well and competitive. One day I decided to put it all together and hit the stage. I've never turned back.


Contest History: BODY FITNESS

2008 TTBBFF National Junior’s Championships 2nd

2009 Eastern Caribbean & Southern Championships 4th

2009 TTBBFF National Senior’s Championship 3rd

2010 TTBBFF National Senior’s Championship 3rd

2012 TTBBFF National Senior’s Championship 2nd /Most Improved Athlete Award

2013 Sportsworld Classic 3rd

2013 TTBBFF National Senior’s Championship 3rd


2014 TTBBFF National Senior’s Championship 1st

2014 Central American & Caribbean Games (CAC) 5th

2015 TTBBFF National Senior’s Championship 2nd

2016 Central American & Caribbean Games (CAC) top 10 finish

2017 TTBBFF National Senior’s Championship 1st

2017 Kelton Thomas Invitational 1st

2017 Darcy Beckles Classic Invitational 2nd

2019 Darcy Beckles Diamond Cup 1st

2019 IFBB Elite Pro Status






• Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM)
• Certification of Distinction Exercise Physiology



• Sport Nutritionist

• Sport Specific Trainer

• CPR Certification

• Sport and Performance Psychology (phase 1 and 2)

• Indoor cycling certification

• Massage Therapy level 1(UWI)

Professional Enhancement

▪ Certificate in Supervisory Management Skills

▪ Service Excellence

▪ Writing for Success

▪ Events Management level 1(UWI)

▪ Following the functional path

▪ Sport and Recreation for Community Development 


Training Routine: Is divided in the next form.

Sunday - Legs

Monday - Chest, triceps and shoulders

Tuesday - Back & biceps

Wednesday - Legs

Thursday - Shoulders

Friday - Back


Best bodypart: I get the most compliments on my legs.


Favorite exercise: Push Ups.


Favorite music: Soca (Music from Trinidad)


Favorite color: Pink/black.












Favorite Quote: Through she be but little she is fierce. From William Shakespeare.












Favorite bodybuilder (man and woman): Shanique Grant, Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Hobbies: Reading, training, napping.


A typical day in your life: 

3am wake up, meal prep.

5am train outdoor clients

6am train online clients

7:30am my training

9am teach spin class

11am eat, nap

3pm cardio and abs

4pm train clients

6:30pm teach spin class

8:30 pm dinner

9:30 pm bed


Sponsors: None yet, but looking.


What do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle?

Breaking the stereotype of what female beauty is.


What do you enjoy about training for competition?

The discipline & sacrifice it takes to achieve a goal.


Curiosities about yourself: I am quite introverted and somewhat asocial, although my career calls for an outgoing personality.


What has left in your life the practice of the sport?

For me as sense of discipline and focus. Over the years I've learned that no matter the setback, you can always come out on top if you simply don't give up.


Which are your most appraised values like athlete and person?

My view of this has changed over the years but respect and non judgement is extremely important to me. Even above than honesty and integrity.


Which is the difference between the Offseason and On Season in your own words?

For me offseason means focusing on recovery from competition. It is also a time to rebuild muscle, relax somewhat, focus on my business and eat some forbidden food. On season means stating focused on presenting the best physical package on the stage. Whether on or off season though my aim is to stay healthy.


Which is the greatest satisfaction in your sport career?

Letting women know they can pursue and achieve their goals.


The woman in the present world has shown their capacity for take challenges in all society fields and the sport is not the exception. What do you think about the female sport on the future?

The future for women in sports is bright.


Website and e-mail contact: fionabranker@gmail.com.

IG: fitdivafi

FB: Fiona Branker

Twitter: fitdivafi


Do you want to say something else to the Female Muscle Fans, as well as the female amateur athletes?

Ladies please don't give up regardless of the obstacles you may face. If you're passionate about your sport, don't give up. Break barriers, break stereotypes, let your voice be heard.


Fiona knows how to take advantage for every camera angles. Even her smile is looking great with her great angle handle.

Fiona is making a training with black & white photo sessions. She is a beautiful and powerful woman with a lot of triumph desires.

Now is time to color photographs with Fiona Branker. Her training sessions are always intense and hard, just the way she likes to improve her skills.

Fiona is making a back training session. She's got an incredible strength and a sensational agility to reach great performances.

Fiona always gives her dedication and effort to the top, and her competitive spirit leads her to go higher.

Now is time for a location photo session. Fiona looks so fine in every shoot, and she knows how to master the best angles.

Fiona looks so sexy and beautiful with her afro hair. And her brown sugar skin gives the big touch to fall in love with her.

An authentic Caribbean Goddess has appeared on Earth. Fiona is tremendously sensual and daring. Her smile is enchanting and seductive.

A sensational look has Fiona in this picture. Undoubtedly, the afro style hair looks so great in her, with her cool way.

Fiona has a lot of style and sensuality well combined. Casual is the look that she's got in this picture. A great pose indeed is very well appreciated.

Fiona belongs to a new generation of athletes that want to success in every competition in which they are participating. She is a very competitive, disciplined, determined and passionate woman. Every thing she does, she always makes her effort to the maximum for being the best in anything she wants to do. Although she is introverted, she has a big transformation when she goes to stage, where she makes the best posing performances with a sensatonal physique form that captivates to the crowd since the first instant. There is no doubt about one thing, Trinidad and Tobago has in Fiona one of their most extraordinary ambassadors in this sports. So keep an eye to her, because she has many surprises to offer in her great competitive level. For that and more, Fiona is a powerful Musculator Woman who wants to inspire women to be strong and beautiful at the same time. An authentic Caribbean queen has come, and that is Fiona.

That's all for this profile, and we hope you have enjoyed this work whose purpose is know and understand all the stories, reasons and other things related to the female muscle representatives. The female muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close and this is a tribute for the women that fight everyday for achieving the best physique form in order to reach the wellbeing with themselves and the rewards to all their efforts. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.

Important Notes: All the photographies are used by Fiona Branker's courtesy and personal authorization, so contact her if you want to use her pictures.

Fiona doesn't do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please respect her because first than nothing she's a woman that needs a treatment just like all the human beings.

It is strictly forbidden to reproduce any part of this journalistic work in all aspects.