sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

WABBA World Championship 2009

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. This weekend, Hungary will be the host for one of the most important bodybuilding, fitness and figure championships because WABBA in their 2009 edition will take Budapest by assault with the best female athletes in the stage with one objective: the victory. The European Continent will receive many competitors from around the world with an exciting contest in which the total glory will await the best of the best in strong, athletic, determinated and disciplinated women with many previous hard months with strict diet and rigurous training.

These are the details for this spectacular event in Hungarian grounds.

WABBA World Championship 2009

Date: November 6th & 7th

Place: Sportauditorium of Budakalász

Address: Pünkösdfürdo Street 40 – 1039 Budapest, Hungary.

Note: This is the Hunor Hotel's address in order to arrive to the Sportauditorium which is located at 10 minutes by bus from the hotel.

For more information, you can check the next links:


Budapest will have high octane adrenaline with women strenght doses, so get prepared to this competition because the female muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close. See you soon Female Muscle Fans.

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