jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

Net Neutrality 4

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. The fight for saving our Internet as we know it is so far away of finishing, because we are ready to counterattack with a lot of efficacy and accuracy, fortunately in April 23rd, the movement for OneMoreVote has generated a lot of pressure thanks of you, but now this article wants to let you know about the next step because this is a very very long fight and we must keep up the guard more than never.

Now in this time, there is another group who is taking seriously the defense of Net Neutrality, we are talking about small businesses entrepreneurs. As you will remember, the Internet companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google and Netflix among others are leaders because Net Neutrality could make possible their growth, by the other hand if Net Neutrality has not been here, these enterprises never would reach the massive impact they have nowadays. The same rules apply for small businesses like grocery stores, hardware and software stores, restaurants, libraries and even hospitals. Many people who want to open a business has found in Internet a great chance of beginning the way of generate their incomes, and with social networks this possibility has increased a lot, without no doubt, Net Neutrality has shown that in businesses world, the cake is ultra generous for everyone. But greedy and oligarch companies don’t want to distribute the profits and they want to eat the cake with no chance of sharing the market segment. Net Neutrality has made possible the fight against monopolies that are harmful for economy and for people wallet, and consumers like us can rise our voice and say enough to unfair tactics like high prices and lack of offer. We must be aware we are the main engine for all businesses and if we don’t buy to greedy companies, they will suffer our punishment to their jobs.

For that, there is another movement called Businesses for Net Neutrality, a big group of entrepreneurs who are aware about the possible negative impact on their jobs, so they have reunited their capabilities in order to defend the small businesses that want to build more job sources throughout Internet. In May 2nd, all small businesses owners will send an open letter to lawmakers in which they will expose their arguments for defending Net Neutrality in a competitive world where innovation and good proposals are key for success. If you have a small business, you can sign the letter and you can donate through this website:

At the same time, we want to communicate that in California has been presented to the congress a great bill in which Net Neutrality will be strenghted in all aspects, and California is home of many technology companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Netflix, Apple, among others, so this bill has been thought and supervised by many technology experts and many businesses owners. If this bill is approved, this will generate a chain reaction in which the remaining states of the country will add their effort for protecting Net Neutrality. This is a clear signal we are advancing and as a rock singer said, there is no reason to back down.

So you already know guys, May 2nd is the date in which the open letter for small businesses will be send to lawmakers, and is vital to keep pushing the accelerator in order to achieve the victory against oligarchs and their twisted business agenda.

That’s all for this article and is important to keep fighting until the greedy companies and their dark politic allies can be defeated and understand that their feudal measures are not welcome anymore. OneMoreVote and we will succeed for protecting our Internet we love.

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