Hi again Female Muscle Fans. Thanks again for attending to our protest in defense of Internet as we know it. Thanks to your pressure, the fight will be going to a new date, May 14th. In this time lapse, our efforts must be always with guard up to attack and defend at the same time. Now these are the new details.
Thanks to the union of many sites like Demand Progress, Open Media, Daily Kos and other pages, and of course thanks to your activism, the Net Neutrality has been defended with drawn sword. Now this is the most critical phase, because is time to keep our pressure against greedy companies like Verizon, Spectrum, Comcast and AT&T throughout a boycott to their products and making marchs to their stores for make them feel the well informed consumer power. And at the same time, is time to fight against evil lawmakers because there are still 5 undecided senators that can be the difference for One More Vote. The senators are Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), John McCain (Arizona), Rob Portman (Ohio), Cory Gardner (Colorado) and Orrin Hatch (Utah).
Now is time to show the pages in which you can join to support the cause through donations and other actions.
Open Media:
Don’t Tread On The Net:
Demand Progress:
Businesses for Net Neutrality (if you have your own business, this is the site for you):
Battle For The Net:
And prepare for going to event marchs near of your homes because in May 14th the war for an open Internet will enter to the most dangerous phase because the Congress will vote with respect to this subject.
Don´t forget to share these sites in your social networks for informing to your family, friends and neighborgs for Net Neutrality defense. And that´s all for this article, but you must be aware that Internet opened a world of possibilities for us and is up to us mantain this fundamental right. We in FMU believe that an open Internet is a true media democracy and is our deed to fight along withother pages to save Net Neutrality and defeat once for all to evil oligarchs who want to destroy the one weapon we have to combat them. Good luck for all of you and let's fight for right cause and the right side of the story.