miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008

Canadian Bodybuilding Championships 2008 Results

Bonjour récemment Fanatiques du Muscle Féminin. The Canadian Bodybuilding Championship 2008 already got results. In this time, we only gonna mention the winners of each category, so let's begin with the results.

Le junior des femmes (une classe)/Womens Junior (One Class)

1 IE/1st place: Melissa Ward
Pays/Country: Canada
Résidence/Hometown: British Columbia, Canada.

Les Maîtres Des Femmes/Womens Masters

1/1st place: Johanna Dejager
Pays/Country: Canada
Résidence/Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Note: She has competed in the IFBB North American Championships 2008, winning the 3rd place in Bodybuilding (Middleweight).

Les Grandmasters Des Femmes/Womens Grandmasters

1 IE/1st place: Denise Thiboutot
Pays/Country: Canada
Résidence/Hometown: Laval, Quebec, Canada.

Femmes Légers/Womens Light

1 IE/1st place: Shannon Holman
Pays/Country: Canada
Résidence/Hometown: Alberta, Canada.

Femmes Moyens/Womens Middle

1 IE/1st place: Johanna Dejager (Déjà expliqué précédemment/Already explained previously)

Femmes Lourds/Womens Heavy

1 IE/1st place: Athena Siganakis (Greek Origin)
Pays/Country: Canada
Résidence/Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Congratulations to Athena Siganakis and Johanna Dejager for their victories, thier effort, hard work and dedication have been rewarded with the Pro Card. For both girls is their opportunity to compete in another international events in which they can represent Canada, and they are the proof that with hard work, everything is possible. Ceci est tout par cette concurrence. Ils rappellent que le muscle féminin est une grande passion qui doit être rapprochée très de de près.
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Photos: http://www.cbbf.ca/results.asp

Photographer: Garry Bartlett

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