jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays 2015

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. Another year is about to end and is an important moment to take a reflection with respect to things made along this period in which many emotions have elevated to the top with high octane adrenaline, and all Female Muscle Admirers lived so close all different championships that are celebrated around the world with the best athletes who have been preparing their best physique forms to overcome the past achievements. Now 2015 is about to finish and is the time to look beyond because 2016 is ready to appear with new surprises on the road.

As in previous times, all FMU staff want to wish to you a sensational holidays with your dear beings and one more time we want to thank to you for another year of your preference to our space in which all Muscular Goddesses are praised and respected for their awesome qualities as competitors and human beings. The Steel Passion is still strong as the first time and our commitment with you is everytime higher because you deserve the best of the best in our favorite subject.

In behalf of all FMU team, we want to wish the best holidays and a new year full of blessings in all aspects.

2015 is almost over and now is time to prepare for the next 365 days period because surprises are always at the order of the day and is a new chapter to overcome the things done in the past. And don't forget that Female Muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Female Muscle Fans.

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