On South Cone of American continent there is a country that is the largest of Spanish speaking, it is Argentina. This nation has border with Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to northeast, the east with Uruguay and the Atlantic Ocean, to west with Chile and south with Drake Passage or Sea of Sickles that leads to Antarctic. The ethnic groups that inhabited this territory are composed by Tehuelches or Patagonians, Chorotis, Huarpes, Abipons, Mataguayans, Capayans, Chichas, among others. Argentina is one of the populations that has been touched by the path of Andes Mountain Range, which in turn passes through Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and part of Venezuela. And at the Antarctic the glaciers appear and they have given to local tourism a great renown. If there is something that characterizes to the Argentinian people is the passion with they defend their colors in sports field, and Bodybuilding is not a stranger to this phenomenon. This homeland has one of the most outstanding athletes who have appeared on the pampean steel scene. Her name is Alicia Alfaro and you will know thorougly to this powerful muscle warrior.
Musculator Girl Profile
Alicia Alfaro
of birth: February 23rd
(City, State and Country): Ibicuy, Entre Rios (In Between Rivers), Argentina
Hometown (City, State and Country): Miami, Florida, United States
Confidential Information
Professional Bodybuilder, trainer, competition suit designer, mother and wife.
of training: 35
give us a little introduction of yourself: I’m a woman that is very dedicated
in everything I do and I live it to the maximum, and I keep a very healthy
I began to train when I had 19 years old, actually, wanting to gain weight and
I was very thin, I started to grow quickly, so later they encouraged me to
compete, and thus it began my love for bodybuilding, I started competing in
very small shows, until I achieved my first important triumph that was the
Argentinian Championship in 1992, later the Iberoamerican in 1995 and there I
became in IFBB Pro, I was judge in my country too, currently I’m a mother of 2
children and wife, combining my job in competition suits and trainings. My
biggest dream in sports is arriving to compete at Ms. Olympia, I’m working to
improve each year, my biggest virtue is my constancy, constancy has led me to
where I got.
1992 – Argentinian Championship. 1st place
1993 – Argentinian Championship. 3rd place
1994 – Argentinian Championship. 3rd place
1995 – Iberoamerican Championship. 1st
place and overall (Pro Card)
1997 – Jan Tana (North Carolina). 18th
place between 30 competitors.
1998 – Jan Tana. 16th place between over 30
2012 – Tampa Pro Show. 13th place between
30 competitors.
2013 – Tampa Pro Show. 12th place.
2014 – Tampa Pro Show. 13th place.
2015 - Prestige Crystal Cup (Boca Ratón, Florida. Physique Class). 16th place.
2015 - Tampa Pro Show (Physique Class). 16th place.
2016 - Arnold Classic (Physique Class). 11th place.
2017 - IFBB Tampa Pro (Bodybuilding Class). 7th place.
2018 - IFBB Tampa Pro (Bodybuilding Class). 14th place.
Routine: In Offseason I train 1 muscle per day, I train 5 days and I rest 2. In
precontest I train 6 days, 2 muscles per day plus 2 cardios.
bodypart: Chest, although some people say that glutes, for me the chest is my
best bodypart.
exercise: Flat Bench Press.
music: I’m a woman of versatile taste, I put rock music for training and for
relaxing me nothing like classical music.
color: Blue.
Quote: With patience the world is won.
bodybuilder (man and woman): Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lenda Murray at the
international level. In my country my inspiration was Cristina Musumeci.
Cooking and painting.
typical day in your life: I get up at 7 am, I take the children to college, I
come back, I take a breakfast, I’m going to the gym, I come back, I work on my
competition suit designs, I cook my meals, I come back to the gym by the
afternoon with my daughter to train some clients and later making college
homework with them, eating, relaxing and waiting to my husband that arrives
from job.
In Argentina X 21 of Martin D’agnese. And here in the US I don’t have sponsors
yet, I’m in search of them.
do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle?
you can combine competition travels with vacations and being in very beautiful
places, thanks to my career I have known many countries.
do you enjoy about training for competition?
my time at the gym I enjoy it always, it’s my time.
Curiosities about yourself:
I’m shy, many people don’t know about that.
has left in your life the practice of the sport?
learnt that in the life and sports, it wins and it loses and it has to be
prepared for both things, if you lose speak a few words, if you win speak less
are your most appraised values like athlete and person?
perseverance and constancy.
is the difference between the Offseason and On Season in your own words?
Out of competition, I train with more relax, I can skip someday if I need a
rest time, I eat somethings I want as ice creams and pizzas.
Season: Precontest, I don’t make absence at the gym, I’m focused to my show, I
don’t speak whereas I train, I do a lot of cardio and strict diet.
is the greatest satisfaction in your sport career?
won the Iberoamerican Championship and the overall in 1995, because I became a
Pro Athlete, a big fulfilled dream.
woman in the present world has shown their capacity for take challenges in all
society fields and the sport is not the exception. What do you think about the
female sport on the future?
sportwoman is strong, is a fighter, is constant, is disciplined, a woman that
does sports can arrive so far away in any life field.
you want to say something else to Female Muscle Fans, as well as female amateur
Thank you to all fans that support female
bodybuilding, thank you to everyone that keep tracking on me and encourage me
everyday to follow. To the athletes that are beginning I want to say them that
keep fighting for they want and never give up.
More powerful and corpulent than ever, Alicia is determined to stay with the victory in this sports competition.
The technique in her poses has been very well polished and refined, because Alicia has always been very careful with details.
The left side pose starts to shine in this instance. Alicia is still focused on her technique to make her anatomy look great.
Alicia continues to strike stylized poses to further highlight her bodywork and earn more points leading to victory.
The back pose could not miss in the competition. Alicia demonstrates once again how well worked her back is and how she does her best to earn more points.
The individual round is over, and the most exciting part of the tournament begins, the group round. Alicia and the other participants will give everything on stage to succeed.
The tournament is over, and Alicia placed 14th. She gave her all on stage, and that is undoubtedly a great satisfaction for her.
Alicia's competitive activity closed strong with a great photo session. She certainly proves that she looks phenomenal in every shot.
Alicia's participation in the tournament begins. The individual round has arrived, and Alicia starts with a back pose to give a good start.
Alicia comes very focused, to achieve a phenomenal performance. Her sports quality is always rising to achieve better results.
Alicia Alfaro is the perfect example of how is the woman of today, delivered both on and off stage. Her commitment with a lifestyle that makes a difference has been an inspiration that is contagious to those in her environment, and she is someone that when intends a goal, she fights in a tirelessly way until to get there and concrete what has been projected. Her tenacity, effort, commitment, dedication, beauty, power, symmetry and sensuality have given to her moe than enough attributes to highlight and give very good battles when the judges are delivering the corresponding rating. She is a great warrior who never gives up for lost the fights, she always will fight to the last breath, so keep an eye to this woman because she has many tricks under her sleeve, and as a good Steel Goddess, surprises will have them very well guarded for the right time.
That's all for this profile, and we hope you have enjoyed this work whose purpose is know and understand all the stories, reasons and another things related to the female muscle representatives. The female muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close and this is a tribute for the women that fights everyday for achieve the best physique form in order to reach the wellbeing with themselves and the rewards to all their efforts. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.
Important Notes: All the photographies are used by Alicia Alfaro's courtesy and personal authorization, so contact her if you want to use her pictures.
Alicia doesn't do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please respect her because first than nothing she's a woman that needs a treatment just like all the human beings.
It is strictly forbidden to reproduce any part of this journalistic work in all aspects.