domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2018

Net Neutrality 13

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. The fight for saving the Internet we love is not over yet. In May month, the team Internet has achieved an important step when Senate approved the CRA (Congressional Review Act) in order to roll back the initiative of FCC in which Ajit “Faggot” Pai has been the main responsible of this abominable act, along with team cable efforts (Comcast, AT&T and Verizon). From then to Now things have changed and is time to update the news.

With recent Midterm elections in November 6th, Democrat party has turned tables in Representative House and the next step to destroy this abomination is the next thing: the CRA must be approved for many members of Congress. Against all odds, our fight has overcome the biggest obstacle of Republican Senate, and now is time to fight with passion, heart, determination and courage for being successful in Representative House.

At the same time, several sites like Fight For The Future are on the line to defend our Internet and these are the links in order to make donations and signs for supporting the cause:

In less than two weeks, Congress will make a meeting to discuss this subject, and is time to make many protests marchs and other actions like donations and boycott against team cable products. In votes our voice could remove evil representatives from Office and now is time to scream loud and clear about it: Our Internet will prevail!

When we have more information of this you will be updated about it and now is the moment of saying to Congress that they are working for us and no for oligarchs. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.

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