sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2018

Net Neutrality 14

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. The D-Day is about to begin, is in December 10th, Monday to be exact, so it’s time to update the most recent information.

You can be updated about people who are in for defending the Internet we love and who are betraying this fundamental right. Now is time to attack betrayers with tweets and calls in which you must expose the causes about our defense for Net Neutrality. And don’t forget to keep visiting the previous pages that we give you in previous article.

Now is time to keep boycotting the team cable products (AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, etc) and is our chance for protecting our rights to be informed and our rights of visiting the content we want with no censorship or dictatorship measures. We are ready to fight against oligarchs who want to impose their dark agenda and we will fight with all our strenght.

And don’t forget it, December 10th is D-Day and we must rise our voice because we are the people who want to protect the important progress that has been reached with an an open Internet and no censorship. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.

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